Le yoga, une discipline millénaire

Besoin de prendre soin de vous ? Voici un moyen agréable de travailler sa souplesse, sans brutalité, à son rythme, tout en accédant à un apaisement mental : le yoga. Le yoga est une discipline venue d’Inde. Sa conception remonterait au IIème siècle avant Jésus-Christ. Il se développe en Occident au cours du XXème siècle.   https://www.ina.fr/contenus-editoriaux/articles-editoriaux/le-yoga-une-discipline-millenaire/

Yoga’s 20th-Century Evolution, in Classic Photographs

Written By: Lily Rothman, Liz Ronk A comprehensive survey by Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance found that more than 36 million Americans practice yoga, with those people spending a combined $16 billion a year on accessories, classes and other yoga expenses. In addition, 80 million people who had never done yoga said they thought chances were good that they’d …

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New York Times: Posing as Fitness

By PANKAJ MISHRA Published: July 23, 2010 A few years ago, the pop singer Sting confided to an interviewer that a specific yoga asana, or posture, had enabled him to have sexual intercourse with his wife, the star of a line of yoga videos, for as long as eight hours at a time. “Your stomach,” he said, …

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Uncovering the Women of Yoga

By Scott & Ida, head teachers of Ghosh Yoga. We have discovered a complete work by Labanya Palit from 1955! She was a student of Bishnu Charan Ghosh and we were able to find a copy of her book in the National Library. In the 60 years it has been here, it has never been checked out …

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