Jesus Lived in India: Suzanne Olsson

Suzanne Marie Olsson is an American author best known for investigating the bloodline and alleged tomb of Jesus in India. She wrote ‘Jesus in Kashmir, The Lost Tomb’ , research of the RozaBal in Srinagar, Kashmir alleged to contain the remains of Jesus, a claim first made widely known in the book titled ‘Book of Balauhar and Budasaf, the Ikmaj-ud-Din’, authored by …

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Somerset Maugham’s Swami

From the New York Times, A letter from India by David Shaftel. Books about Westerners seeking enlightenment in India seem to be everywhere these days, including in India itself. In Mumbai, Elizabeth Gilbert’s juggernaut of a memoir, “Eat, Pray, Love,” is prominently displayed in street corner bookstalls and hotel bookstores. Bootlegged copies are hawked to …

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Marilyn Monroe — The Complete Yoga Poses, by Eric Shaw Arguably, no movie star past or present is as enchanting as Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jean Mortenson, 1926 – 1962). Her classic beauty, projection of joy and innocence, knockout measurements, marriages to great men, acting skills, and consummate control of her career arc (including its dramatic end) make her biography both tragic and triumphant. Monroe’s life was a …

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Le yoga, une discipline millénaire

Besoin de prendre soin de vous ? Voici un moyen agréable de travailler sa souplesse, sans brutalité, à son rythme, tout en accédant à un apaisement mental : le yoga. Le yoga est une discipline venue d’Inde. Sa conception remonterait au IIème siècle avant Jésus-Christ. Il se développe en Occident au cours du XXème siècle.

Yoga’s 20th-Century Evolution, in Classic Photographs

Written By: Lily Rothman, Liz Ronk A comprehensive survey by Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance found that more than 36 million Americans practice yoga, with those people spending a combined $16 billion a year on accessories, classes and other yoga expenses. In addition, 80 million people who had never done yoga said they thought chances were good that they’d …

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6 Important Lessons From the Ashram

By Roger Gabriel, April 20 2017. The word ashram comes from the Sanskrit word, Srama, which means “religious exertion.” However, in more recent times the term “ashram” is used to describe any facility used by a spiritual community. They can vary in size from a small hermitage housing just a few people to multiple building complexes …

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Duchess Simonetta Colonna di Cesaro and Swami Chidananda

Simonetta travelled in India during the 1960s and 1970s, where she established a colony for the care of lepers as well as a craft training program. Duchess Simonetta Colonna di Cesaro was born in Rome in 1922. Descended from Russian aristocracy, the daughter of intellectual & politically inclined Giovanni Duke of Cesaro,’ she grew up in a sophisticated environment, and …

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New York Times: Posing as Fitness

By PANKAJ MISHRA Published: July 23, 2010 A few years ago, the pop singer Sting confided to an interviewer that a specific yoga asana, or posture, had enabled him to have sexual intercourse with his wife, the star of a line of yoga videos, for as long as eight hours at a time. “Your stomach,” he said, …

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Ella Maillart: Discovering the unknown by herself

Ella Maillart was the pioneer solo woman explorer who found her spiritual side in India. By Ravi Shankar. The New Indian Express. Published: 27th September 2020 05:00 AM  |   Last Updated: 25th October 2020 11:02 AM  | A casualty of the internet and satellite mapping is the explorer. Before technology, Huen Tsang, Marco Polo and Columbus explored uncharted lands, …

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